Thursday, July 12, 2007

Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons started on Monday, bright and early. We go 5 mornings a week for 2 weeks. I'm excited for AM to learn to swim because we have a pool in our backyard, and it makes me nervous that he can't swim! I can't really say much about what they're learning though, because parents aren't allowed to stay. As a teacher, I can understand why they don't want parents hovering. It really distracts the kids, makes them much more likely to whine and ask for help, and we would overreact if they struggled at all, even during the learning process (since after all, struggling in a pool can be scary to an untrained person!). As a parent though, I still was a little sad to plop 4 year old AM on the pool deck with a towel, give him a kiss, and leave for an hour! He didn't know anyone, and didn't even answer to his name -- another kid he met on the bleachers said (I heard later) "Yeah, that's AM, right there!" Oh well. He survived and has told me every day what he's learned. On the last day of class they let us stay to watch the culmination of all they have learned.

Now I have to decide if I should give up two more weeks straight to take him to level 2 swim lessons...

A funny story. Yesterday we went swimming at AM and JE's grandparents' lake house. AM needed to change into his swim suit. So he said to his grandma "I'm going to go in my room for a little privacy, isn't that a great idea?" The two of us were cracking up, but said yes, that it was a great idea. Then, about 30 seconds later, he comes out completely naked to ask for help with his goggles. He understands what privacy is on a very limited basis!! He knows it's something I ask for every now and then...but he (luckily) isn't preoccupied with his nakedness. Come on now, he's only 4! It's a little young to be getting bashful!

1 comment:

JC said...

that is hysterical about the privacy thing!!!!!!!!!