Saturday, July 14, 2007

Keep Trying

AM has been playing the game Mr. Mouth for about 20 minutes now. It's that oldie but goodie where you put a bug on a little hand and pop it into the frog's opening and closing spinning mouth. He's whined and cried and walked away a few times already. I was putting JE down for a nap and overheard all of this. I shouted down from upstairs, "You haven't played in a long time, be patient, you need to practice." Then I heard his little voice yell "Yeah, mommy, remember, what do winners do? They keep trying!" I was so happy to hear those words! I've been telling him that for at least a year, whenever he gets frustrated. And he's shown that he has internalized it and actually believes it. Guess what? He's sitting there having fun in his usual way, making lots of "boy voice" pretend conversations. It's so funny having boys, because my play never sounded anything like his! There's always so much action: people falling, screams, rescue attempts, chases, etc.

Swimming's still going well. AM and his classmates had to "save" their swim instructor today to show that they knew what to do. Sounds good to me!

Today we have a babysitter coming over. My husband and I are shopping to redo our downstairs bathroom. I can't wait to get it looking better! This, mind you, is the one that had velvet wallpaper when we moved in!! Actually, I have a picture of a young AM helping me remove it.....

1 comment:

Christy said...

Your boys are little cuties! I am very impressed by the "winner keep trying" comment.

Good luck with the remodeling. I need to remodel my bathroom too. Its awful.