Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Adapting to life at home

This morning no alarm went off at 6:19. It was so nice! AM came in at 7:20 telling me he had to go potty -- this is his morning ritual, as if he has to ask permission to go? I told him to go play (so I could enjoy a few more minutes of laziness!) and he actually did play for about 15 minutes. Then JE woke up rearing to go, so that was the end of the slow morning.

I've decided to plan out our days for the summer. We'll see how well this goes! We all do better with a routine, so that's the theory behind it. I know myself, and I like to ease into my day...lie around a while, eat, maybe shower, then finally get going late morning. This doesn't work well with my kids for several reasons. First, they get bored. And we all know that "Idle hands do the devil's work!" Second, it's been really hot! If we go out and play hard in the (relative) cool of the morning, then when it's baking outside we can veg in the house.

So this morning AM was pulling on the dishwasher door while I tried to get breakfast ready. I snapped at him to stop, and he said he wanted to open it to put the dishes where they go. OMG! I couldn't believe it (and of course felt guilty for thinking he was being mischievous)! So he proceeded to empty the entire bottom and most of the top of the dishwasher and everything went exactly where it belongs!! I was so happy for the help and of course I want to continue this new behavior, so my natural thought was "encourage the new behavior with positive reinforcement," so I told him I'd give him a quarter for his piggy bank for being a big helper. His face lit up!!! We will see what the future brings. I think I've just introduced AM to capitalism.

Anyway, we were outside on the swing set at 8:30! I was very proud of myself. (And although unshowered, I had my bra on for fear the neighbors could stop by to say hello!!! LOL). We gave the sand box trucks a carwash, watered the plants, blew lots of bubbles, and did some landscaping with AM's help while JE napped. Herein lies the interesting nugget of the day: "Mommy, did I earn and more monies for helping you in the garden?" Have I created a monster? Or is this a good thing?? I can't decide. I told him we would have to talk to daddy about what would earn him money and what was just a nice thing to do to help mommy and daddy. He seemed ok with this.

I made it through lunch without having to call their babysitter to see why they won't eat for me! I know that sounds pathetic, but she seems to have some mystical power that makes them eat. For example, I give JE bananas from time to time and he smiles, squeezes hard, and then throws them on the floor. At daycare I have witnessed him eating bananas MANY mornings, so what's with that? Well, now they're both sleeping. The only reason this is noteworthy is because AM hasn't napped all school year! But in my infinite wisdom, I thought naps might be a nice addition to the summer routine. Wink, wink. He resisted, but alas, he is dreaming of emptying dishwashers for many mornings to come!


JC said...

that is funny that AM wants the cold hard cash! like the new bog design!

2busyboys said...

Did I mention that the naps are earning him money too? Yeah, I think I was afraid to admit it earlier! So at dinner he told dad that he earned his quarter for taking a nap. Dad cracked up because he had mentioned in passing that we should tell him this, but didn't know I really went through with it! How is it that in the world of professional behavior therapy (which we can attest to) there is a very fine line between bribery and rewarding with positive reinforcement?

Antropóloga said...

I think the pseudo-bribery sounds great. Any port in a storm, right?

6:19? I love how random that is. :)

So funny that you "dressed up" by wearing a bra!

Antropóloga said...

Oh I forgot to add I am an ESL/Spanish teacher myself (though not working right now).

2busyboys said...

Wow, it's interesting that you also teach ESL! So many people don't even know what it stands for, let alone teach it! I was home for 2 years with AM, but I've been back at work for 2 years...I also speak Spanish, but it's getting pathetic since I don't use it much. Most of my kids speak Russian, Korean, Farsi, I never get to speak it!

About the bra...normally it's a very mandatory part of my wardrobe, but when I'm bumming around it's one more piece of the comfort puzzle! Just threw that in the original post for a smile! Every woman can relate, right?